Mar 09, 2013 15:55
Well Spring is just around the corner (I hope). It is warm today after raining early. Spending time around the house. The bird (parrot) is on my shoulder (of course). My other parakeet is hanging out in her room. She lost her companion birdie Petey a few days ago. Another tumor. Parakeets are such fragile creatures. We gave it all we had (went to vet) but she was just too sick.
Sweety (the other parakeet) keeps looking for her and calling out. She did go the vet with Petey in tow and was awful sweet to her by cuddling up at the bottom of the cage with the sick bird. She was a good friend to Petey. She never minded when Petey hogged the food tray or stole her swing. She groomed her when she was sick and was ever watchful. I'll see if Sweety can go without a companion before I get another keet. If she can't make the transition, I will but as last resort. Petey lived 9 years but it goes awful fast. But I agree it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all :)