Okay for the subject explanation. It was a running joke when blogs started that kids would write basic silly stuff like the title. Now, blogs are serious business and rival online newspapers. Wow. I do have to admit I'm not a Facebook fan. I'm not sure I want to know every detail of other people's lives in an in your face format. And I'm not sure that I want to put my life out there like that. If that makes me a chicken, well then, I am a chicken.
With my life. Okay not too much going on. Goofus is a male bird. I had him tested. He is still great company.
I am ready for some serious life changes. I sick of writing about what I want and dreaming about what I want. I'm going to get what I want. Period. With the tenacity of a Pit Bull. (Or the stereotype anyway). I think one of the most helpful things I've done this year is listen to some of Donald Trump's book on tape.
http://www.theaudiobookmart.com/search.php?searchBy=author&query=Donald%20Trump&sub=&sub=ABM-GS-authors2-26290&gclid=CM3E1Zm37qMCFSVL5wodCXTA4A I've rented mine from the library. Much cheaper. I've listened to "Think Big and Kick Ass" and am currently listening to "Why we Want You to Be Rich". Donald is an in your face type of writer and I like that.
A few things I've learned so far.
Step back and objectively analyze situations. For instance, see yourself as someone else in order to objectively value your part in any situation.
Realize that for the most part if you are a thinking person, you're probably smarter than most of the people you come in contact with.
Realize that you can't fix stupid but you can quit acting like it.
Other people's opinions are just that, opinions. You know the saying, everybody has one.
Do not live life trying to please people. That is a sure way to experience hell on earth.
Believe in miracles but more importantly recognize, acknowledge and bask in them.
Parakeet kisses, Fozzie