Oh Great Cthulhu!
I have been an extremely industrious devotee this year.
In January, I rammed a ship into you (sorry Cthulhu!) (-1000 points). Last week, I legally changed my name to Randolph Carter (-40 points). Yesterday, I sacrificed
goddessness to Cthulhu (500 points). In September, I stopped
goddessness from defiling Lovecraft's grave (-20 points). In February, I bombed a cultist gathering (-100 points). In May, I fed
junkiemajortom to a Shoggoth (250 points).
In short, I have been very bad (-410 points) and deserve to be sent to sleep with the Deep Ones.
Your humble and obedient servant,
Submit your own plea to Cthulhu!
I'm sorry about that, guys. No hard feelings eh?