bored bored bored

Mar 11, 2007 22:26

Just to keep up with my weekly posts ;)

This week's been the most quiet since I've been in Liverpool I reckon.

On Monday Night, Sophie, Robin, Angeles, Javier, Ioannis and I met Soph's Frenchie friend Marion, and we went to The Font for drinks (more like: a drink lol). The Font plays boring music, but the drinks are nice and cheap and it's not in the city centre lol.

Tuesday night, I tagged along to a group meeting about IRSC (Ireland-Scotland), a trip the group are planning to take. Which I probably won't go to...because of assessments. But I'm going to try try to get to Belfast at least. Lol, it was a LONG night. I don't know how the time flew, we left Sophie's at like 3am. & we wished her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY at midnight!

Wednesday, we went to see The Science of Sleep in the arvo which was really very good :) It was in English but there were also subtitled bits in Spanish & French. And, Gael Garcia Bernal...*DROOL* He was nakie for like 1 second. Don't you hate that?? It was like Will's "full frontal" in Mrs. Henderson Presents. *awaits dvd*
The cinema was so cool though. It was called The Box and had, I think, 20 two-seater sofas in the room. There's a photo on my FaceBook.

Oh and I also found and bought Will Young's Anything Is Possible book at the Salvos for $AUD2.50. YAY (but more luggage).

I don't think I did anything special on Thursday...but I did watch the UK version of QaF which Soph got for me. IT WAS SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT! I wasn't happy. lol. There were the same storylines as the US version but it was way shortened. The whole UK series was only about 5.5hrs. And only the first ep was 'shocking'. OH and Aussie Peter O'Brien was in it as Vince's (Michael's) accountant (chiropractor) bf. HAHA I thought that was hilarious, I was thinking...hey, wasn't he in Water Rats & Blue Heelers?

Friday night was Sophie's Birthday Party! It was pretty fun! Food and conversation...and celebrity heads! And Inga taught (tried to) us a Lithuanian song. It's called "Su tavim kartu" by Rebelheart and it's such a beautiful song, especially when she sings it and Robin's playing the guitar.
So, Ioannis wrote down Greek phonetics for the first verse and chorus and I did the English we could sing along!!

Ilga sca-lus
Jwedus dungui ya
Pasei ilgo
Boot ta-vo gleb-i-yah
Bet kalau-yu
Ush labuye toh-leh
Chame il gahm ke li

Soor-ta-vim-ka-toe (x2)
Pre-ah tah-vass prissey-glos-te
Mahn la-buye song-ko
Koor-toe pra-den-guhye

HAHAHAA...It sounds me.

Anyhow, I've spent all Saturday and Sunday cooped up in the Library and room. I'm starting to go stir-crazeeee. Lol, no. Just bored shit-less. Mum's called both days :S *sigh* I think we're growing apart. LOL. So much phone silence...
I've sort of, kind of finished two assessments (not quite reaching word limits and sans references lol). But I'm proud.

Oh, and I've gotten into Paolo Nutini. Why are there major successful people at 19 years of age! I feel so useless! Anyway, check him out...kind of Teddy Geiger/James Morrison. 'Last Request' is just so >> swoooooooon :)

Off to watch Coupling now! Byes!

occasion: birthday, rl: exchange, music: paolo nutini, rl: friends, shopping, rl: fangirl, music: will young

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