May 16, 2006 23:19
posting for no real important reason...
i take back everything i said about Ronan's! the promo video makes alllll the difference...i can listen to it non-stop now and don't even remember what the goo goo dolls' version sounds like anymore. omg the video is like my favouritist ronan vid. i think i have something with vids with the sand and i looove westlife's 'obvious' vid and blue's 'u make me wanna' vid. *sigh*
i think, after exams maybe...mark sholtez will have to wait...cos ronan deserves a layout more now :P he's just lovely...
and um, thursday looks busy, need to talk to course advisor cos i think i've screwed up.
anyway, i'm tired, i finished my [shit shit shit] BHS essay!!! at least its finished :)
i've watched 'Iris' like a dozen times since i got it last night...
music: ronan keating,
rl: fangirl