My life is a joke

Apr 23, 2009 14:21

It feels like I haven't updated for ages, but it's only been a week!

Jason Mraz @ Rove - Can't remember if I've mentioned it on LJ, but I (and aussiebuffy) managed to score tickets to the recording of Rove last week - specifically for the Jason Mraz performance (can't see me, don't try). It was pre-recorded this week and fun as usual! I've been to Rove recordings 3 times now! The TV-making process is pretty cool and we got to hear Jason sing I'm Yours twice and clap a lot. The studios are in Elsternwick now which is a pain to get to and from. But nonetheless, it was well worth it!

(Between that and Hannah there was EPIC FAMILY DRAMA. To be honest, it would not have occurred if I just didn't invite my 13 year old cousins to see Hannah that night. There were tears. And lots and lots of fear... I was confused about the whole situation at first but then Caroline explained it all to me... and it was pretty terrifying. It was mainly between my uncle and aunt... Yeah... I'm being vague... doesn't matter now anyway. Just to say that if that were my parents having that EPIC drama, I would've run away or something and hope they got divorced for everyone's safety and well-being...)

Hannah Gadsby - 3 of us went to see Hannah perform at the Melbourne Town Hall. In the Regent Room. Which was quite literally A ROOM. Like, no bigger than a classroom for 50 people. It was a great show though. Caroline was definitely the youngest in the room by far. It was uncanny when Hannah (coming from a small town in Tasmania) mentioned her elderly neighbours and this couple in the front row said they knew them but had lived in Australia for 40 years now!

Jason Mraz @ The Palais - Palais Theatre is quite lovely I think, I like it better than The Forum and the sound is better too.
Lisa Mitchell was meh. I really do like her voice, but she's not great in a venue so big, I think I wouldn've liked her set if it were somewhere smaller. Her duet with Jason on Lucky was shocking - really, really bad. I don't know much about music, but her pitch was so out of whack. (And I heard he didn't play Lucky on the 2nd night at Festival Hall HAHAHA - I also heard it was the better show though).
Eric Hutchinson was pretty good. He sang Oh! so I was happy lol and he's pretty funny. And then caused a riot outside for people who wanted autographs and stuff during the interval. Caroline and I went out to pee and then got very, very stuck in the horde of people waiting for Eric. I reckon we could've gotten photos and stuff pretty quickly if we just stayed there, since we were stuck in the first quarter of the mass closest to Eric - but you know, SUFFOCATING.

Okay, so ever since I booked this show, I've been apprehensive. Not at the quality because he's just a fab live artist, but the atmosphere. And I was right... my issue was that he didn't get the chance to improvise as he usually does or play more obscure songs. I am so glad I went to the 06/08 shows and got to hear Geek In The Pink, Gypsy MC, 1000 Things, Rand McNally and so many more that just would not have worked with yesterday crowd of probably new fans. My best bits were the opener of Make It Mine, You And I Both with Sleeping To Dream and Falling Through Glass with Bushwalla (he IS awesome). It was such a short show too! But Caroline totally loved her first concert :) and has already made me promise to take her next time hehe

2006 remains the best setlist.

Mark Watson - I TOTALLY LOVE HIM. He was so good, I think he's my second favourite comedian to Danny Bhoy now! I love how he looks like he's going to pass out at any time due to how fast he's talking and how every time he goes off topic he's like "NO TIME! NO TIME! HAVE TO KEEP GOING!" even though he's going a billion miles an hours.

Festival Club @ The Hi-Fi Bar - This late night (started at 11pm) comedy lineup is so, so worth the money! I think it's advertised as 10 Comics for $10, but I think we got about a dozen guys (and ONE girl - who was rubbish...) and it was only $5 for me because of my valid Metcard! So yes, a lot of good jokes from new comedians. I think only one or two of them had a Solid set but everyone else had a few great ones too - they could just be a bit up and down at points.
Lots of dirty jokes of course and those jokes that are "wrong" but still hilarious! I would type some jokes out... but that would just ruin it because I'm a horrible joke teller haha

Best new find though? Bo Burnham! He was the special international act who came on about 1.20am before the finish. So funny! And he's EIGHTEEN. A YouTube star. And SO FUCKING TALL. Beanpole tall. I didn't notice until we walked past him on the way out.

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I love wordplay SFM.

I felt like such a plus-one with my uncle's friends haha I thought we were going with friends of his that I already knew, but nooo, it was like 6 new people from his previous work. I thought they were really nice and of course I am jealous of them. The were all stunning and above all, so very confident and I couldn't help but think how fantastic it would be to not be me.

To end quickly: I'm going into work for my cousin tomorrow (who manages a pharmacy), doing stock or something. I am so, so nervous. It's going to be an embarrassing day. My social retardedness is going to come out in full force.

occasion: comedy festival, comedy: mark watson, rl: work, video, rl: family, comedy: hannah gadsby, occasion: concert, comedy: bo burnham, music: jason mraz

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