Total rambly post

Feb 23, 2009 21:39

Yay! The Oscars are finally on! I'm going to be up til midnight! Again! It's 9.30pm now... let's see when I actually press "Post".

Red Carpet... *looks for RPattz*

OMG how annoying is Miley Cyrus' voice haha - she looks like a Christmas tree.

Melissa George... is not exciting...

The chick that plays Latika in Slumdog Millionaire - gorgeous!

The stage is so pretty! It looks like a snowglobe! And it looks so intimate too!

Mmmm Hugh Jackman! It's really why I am watching this year... I haven't watched the whole Oscars ceremony for a while! OMG he said "Hi Sarah Jessica"! >>>>

image Click to view

What is he moving that bike with hmmmm?

Ahh Anne Hathaway! She's cute!

HAHA at him cracking up during The Reader ah this opening is awesome! I'M WOLVEEERRIIIIIINE!

EYYAH RPattz is sitting behind Mickey Rourke looking all hot and shiz.

LOL this James Franco/Seth Rogan thing is funny haha "can we make this thing into a pipe?"

MUSICALMUSICALMUSICAL! (sigh... where is NPH for this) Oh Dominic Cooper and Amanda Seyfried are adorable!

[BTW Stephen Moyer and a ferocious looking Anna Paquin at the after party]

Haha awww Robert Downey Jr. ♥

Slumdog Millionaire has an awwwwesome soundtrack :D The songs are just so mesmerising! This performance is so great! Didn't know he did the vocals on these songs either!

Ohhh "I'll Be Seeing You" - The Notebook memories...

[BTW that blue mosaic screen when the presenter is talking to the nominees? Really ugly.

Aw Kate Winslet - I really haven't seen many of her movies - but I just like her for some reason - she's so sweet.

OOOOH RPattz during Mickey Rourke's thingy... looking all INTENSE like (and really pale! But that's probably because of how orange Mickey is haha)

YAY Sean Penn! "YOU COMMIE, HOMOLOVING SONS OF GUNS" haha he's nervous! And that... was a great speech - you show them! And Dustin Lance Black practically in tears!



OH HAHA PEREZ - "He showered! And even did his hair!"

Good-o. Anyway.

So, I'm not really speaking to my mum right now. We had an argument on Saturday night. Because she wouldn't let me drive to Ron's place (5 minutes away). It was lame. Really, I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE. But no - we spent like over $1000 on lessons and the licence and such and NOW SHE WON'T LET ME DRIVE. On my own that is. It's really fucked up. She was like "No you can't drive, I'll drive you." "But when can I drive then?" "When I'm busy." "Yeah, so when I drive US to work everyday, you're not very BUSY ARE YOU. YOU DRIVE IN THE MORNING THEN" And she puts on her "MAD" voice - you know, the voice you use when YOU HAVE NO VALID ARGUMENT "ARE YOU STARTING WITH ME" And then, I like stormed away. She drove me to my friend's and picked me up and such but I haven't spoken to her since then unless it's to TELL her to pick me up or she asks something that requires an answer (ie at work). I'm just waiting for her to tell me to CTFU (cheer the fuck up) or get over it or more probably still, tell my dad to tell me off.

THAT, plus the other stuff I hate dealing with right now has meant a shite start to the week. I hate it. I just tend to forget all this when I'm out with friends but then it just hurts harder later. And... I'm just miserable. Yeeahhh, enough of this.

Okay, no more cuts. New music! I am very woeful at pop music now :( Like, the pop categorised songs in Top 40 stuff. In the paper they do the Top 10 of this week then, like, the Top 10 of that week 10 years ago and 20 years ago I think? And I only end up liking 1 or 2 songs of Now and like 8-9 of the songs of the Past. Anyway, so I'm more into Acoustic/Folk type now. And that's nothing to be ashamed about hehe, my "guilty pleasure is now electropop. It is awesome. Like dance and pop and techno all in one! Electroqueer is a pretty good source. But I find it sometimes overwhelming. So I mostly look at what Perez recommends or Auspop.

Recently, through them, I've discovered Naommon - Allnighter is probably my favourite song there.

But better than him is Frankmusik. A guy. A DJ or someone I think. OMG he just removed most of his MySpazz songs! But you can listen on his official page. I love 3 Little Words and Gotta Boyfriend and Confusion Girl which sounds like one of those 80s video games haha

OH yesterday we went Tropfest! It was awesome! Such great short filmakers around :) I realise I have the 2006 Tropfest on DVD. Will watch it tomorrow :D

Guh. It's quarter past 12 :D

music: naommon, tv: oscars, rl: friends, video, rl: family, rl: sadness, occasion: tropfest, celeb: robert pattinson, music: frankmusik

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