The Epic RPattz/Twispam

Dec 09, 2008 22:29

Okay, so, I have an e-crush on cleolinda. And so many all of these links were found via her journal - it is amazing all the shit that has turned up! How she filters it all, who knows. I have chosen some select favourites of mine, under the cut.

Let's pimp her first then :) If not read anything else, read this: Twilight in Fifteen Minutes her recap of the movie at her Movies in Fifteen Minutes recap journal, m15m.
Her Twilight "wiki" including amazing glossary and uber amazing book recaps for the series. She is snarky and fabulous. And I cacked myself reading any of her recaps!

Another highly recommended thing that shouldn't be hidden under a cut is the Growing Up Cullen series (starts at the bottom). It just finished a couple of days ago.
Basically, it's an IM based roleplay with the Cullens. Especially meathead/jock Emmett and prissy, anal, scrapbooking, Edward BAHAHHAHA who - who - tracks Bella's menstrual cycle! *dies from laughter* and watches porn! Oh man... it's good stuff.

Empire Magazine scans
"When you read the book," says Pattinson [...] "it's like, 'Edward Cullen was so beautiful I creamed myself.' I mean, every line is like that. He's the most ridiculous person who's so amazing at everything. I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn't do that. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that's how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he's a 108-year-old virgin so he's obviously got some issues there."

(I totally loved how he played Edward! Because you could really see the manic-depressiveness on his face! His woeface! The I-hate-myself face!)

E!Online's interview when RPattz keeps on being amazing (about 3 minutes in):
Pattinson: Well, I mean, I think people -- there's a thing about the books where, uh, when I was reading them, I, ugh, I didn't know how to read it from, you know, teenage g-- or any woman's perspective, I guess. I don't really know why they like it. But what I thought was weird about it, the, what, the reaction I had with it was ... umm.... When I read it, it seemed like (grimaces) I was convinced that ... Stephenie was ... convinced that she was Bella, and uh, and you, it wasn't, it was like it was a book that wasn't supposed to be published, like reading her ... her sort of sexual fantasy about some -- especially when she says that it was based on a dream, and it's like, "Oh, then I had a dream about this really sexy guy" and she just writes this book about it, and there's some things about Edward that are just so specific that it's like, I was just convinced that, that this woman is mad, she's completely mad, and she's in love with her own fictional creation and I -- sometimes you, like, feel uncomfortable reading this thing, and I think a lot of people feel the same way, that it's kind of voyeuristic, ah, and it creates this sick pleasure in a lot of ways. But then it kind of introduces a lot of the, the action elements and it's very honest and really really honest and that's kind of what's weird about it.

"fan" transcript (haha)
(OMG He didn't say that! He did!)

Pattinson To Twilight Fans: Shut Up!

OK! Magazine scans
You have little girls going, 'I want to have your babies,' and it's like, no, you don't, seriously.
I don't even want to have my babies.


I think sports are stupid.

(He is the best!)

Herald Sun: Shining in the Twilight
Also, I liked what happened to the character in the second one where he's not really in it, but he's this ominous presence and has this dramatic comeback at the end. It's like you wait the whole book for his reappearance.

"I'm barely in the second one and not in the third that much either. Plus I wanted to have a box-set as well.

(Read book spoilers below the spam. They better do New Moon RIGHT. And hey! I want the box set too!)

RPattz on Ellen
(Talking about being "one of the people" [without a button for a windscreen wiper], being a willing puppet to be grabbed and girls being non-committed to being in a relationship with him [then look at the end when he's so WHATEVA about his first date haha])

RPattz give Tyra Banks a hickey

On Leno
(He has no idea what the movie is about. And is hobo)

RPattz is overwhelmed. Boo :(
Question: So, are you particularly prepared for the teenage female frenzy that is going to surround this movie, but you in particular? Which apparently seems to be in the cards.

Pattinson: I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know why it still shocks me. I mean, I’ve been going for the last three weeks, just going to different cities all around the world, just to get to these planned mobbing, where everybody just screams and screams and screams. But every single time, I get so nervous, and kind of cold sweats, and everything. So I doubt that I am ready.

Question: So that’s how you react to the screams and the frenzy?

Pattinson: Every single time. I started crying in Italy. Like, completely involuntarily.

Question: Really?

Pattinson: Yeah. Like, do you know when you have the wrong reaction to something? It was really embarrassing. I didn’t even know I was. Kristen, I think, turned around to me. And she’s like, “Are you crying?” I just found out there’s a whole pile of stuff. So. Yeah. I started crying when people are screaming at me. I really didn’t think that would happen.

Sad. I read somewhere else that he's also huddles himself into a ball at these "planned mobbings" because it's the only way he feels safe.

28 Reasons That ‘Twilight’ the Movie Is Better Than ‘Twilight’ the Book
(I agree with 1, 3, 4 [OMG Eric is a gaysian!], 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 [Growing Up Cullen!], 16, 17 [hahhaha the sexless sex scene], 18, 19 [OMG I want one], 21, 22 [There are still 2 movies to go...], 23, 24 [I've finally realised what was lacking! MOST of the movie was from Bella's POV! Everything except the villianry? Yeah... they need to change that, adds to the annoyingness of KStew's voice], 26 [Alice Awesome], 27 [Swooon], 28 [Yeah, loved this line...]

I disagree with 2, 5 [I knew], 20 [I WANT THAT SCENE]

I am o.O with 9 [hm... sorta], 11 [I want my flirty waitress!], 13, 25)

DVD for Valentine's!

10 reasons 'Breaking Dawn' should not be made into a movie
(Yeah, okay, fine. I would though, like to see them make 1-3 then have whoever did the Scary Movie franchise to do Breaking Dawn [they're going to take a stab at Twilight anyway, right?] - Amazing)

Allusions to Taycob being recast

I generally stay away from ontd_twatlight. But I hear it is good for the lulz. But... there is so much of it, and if I look at it - my head will explode.

Does anyone want to audition for New Moon or Eclipse?
(Yes, they are shooting both sequels BACK-TO-BACK starting in March. With no new director as yet as Catherine Hardwicke has been fired has left due to timing. This is sounding like a horrible idea - and I am only basing it on the slightly unimpressiveness of BTTF2&3 also shot back-to-back. I am saddened it's because they want to keep the budget down. RPattz needs to stay 17-looking anyway... they could've just lied and used that as an excuse haha. Oh, and I don't know anything about directoring but Hardwicke looked like she was on crack in most the interviews I've seen with her...)

Roswell VS Twilight
(Max wins... but I wish he would sparkle!)

Twilight: The Puppet Saga


I'm afraid/thankful that they are only doing the two sequels after this movie. How are they going to wrap it up at the end of Eclipse? With marriage? Baby? IMPRINTMENT?!!
Anyway, I for one cannot wait for the sequels already :D I am looking forward to:
- how they are going to do the wolves! I mean, firstly, Jacob needs to get massive tall for the New Moon. And in my mind, he sort of looks like Sirius in dog form to me maybe cross with American Werewolf In Paris wolf. You know... not really cute. But Sam - I keep thinking of a collie now! :S And on the other, other flipside, Seth "ILU EDWARD!" Clearwater and his sister, Leah look like Clifford the Big Red Dog (But Leah is purple... don't ask me why...)
- Riley. For some reason I remembered him today. They should just hire some underwear model for him since he doesn't stick around long. And he is uber hot in my mind *shrugs*
- Rosalie and Jacob being bitches to each other! But this is mostly in Breaking Dawn I think! :( I so want to see her give Jacob food in a dogbowl, scratching out his name in it!
- Edward's (attempted) suicide by sparkle in New Moon. Really looking forward to it. I think the dumbest part in the book was Bella hearing Edward's voice... at first, I thought he changed his mind and was back to stalking her, but no - she was hearing voices. Lame. I want Edward to break Bella's heart at the start and then disappear for the next hour and a half and return all sparkly. On the downside, an hour and a half of the movie would be Bella being REALLY mopey voiced (I think KStew has got that down pat already) and verging on suicidal. On the up side, there should be Alice's "vision" of Edward committing suicide by sparkle in which he may or may not look like a twinky go-go dancer from QaF's Babylon.
- My most favourite Edward moment I think. In the whole series. Just the line "Amazing, Carlisle was right". I thought that was really beautiful in the book and hope to see it translated well to screen.
- emulation of the book covers in each movie lol we've had the apple... now the flower and ribbon.


linkspam, movie: twilight, celeb: robert pattinson, rl: fangirl, video

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