Tired of fighting on my own...

Oct 01, 2008 22:45

Will Young released his 4th album, Let It Go, a couple of days ago. I love it! It is such an improvement from Keep On (where I was skipping about half the tracks) but not quite as good as Friday's Child.

Although the first single, Changes, took forever to grow on me. I don't love it, there are plenty of better tracks on the album (including the 2nd single).

My absolute favourite is If Love Equals Nothing. It just floored me on first listen! It such a simple, heartbreaking song and his vocals are just gorgeous on it!

Here is the advert for the album:

image Click to view

Popjustice said:
In the ad above Will comes across as approachable, friendly, fun and down to earth. It's an important move because the more you begin to seem aloof or pretentious - as Will sometimes does - or like the sort of person who'd be rude and dismissive if a fan went up and introduced themselves, the more important it is to suggest to people that you are not.

I've always thought he looked like a big snob! Hahaha! So it's not just me!

It's doing pretty well in the UK midweeks too. And I'm crossing my fingers it'll be released here :)

Anyway, awesome album! Yay!

rl: fangirl, video, music: will young

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