(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 09:29

So I have still been on that kick of listining to all my old CDs. Its amazing how each CD brings about forgotten memories that are related to the times i made/bought these CDs. Each song has context in a small slice of my time space bubble.

Today I was listening to Hello Rockview by Less Than Jake. It reminded me of all the fears I had about never going anywhere. For those of you who dont know, I have a learning "disability" (I use quotes because i no longer beleive in learning disabilities, only alternative learning styles) called dislexia (it is related to the very sexy learning disability Sexlexia of Zapf Brannagin fame, but slightly less fun).

Do to this diagnosis, I was told all throughout my life that I could not succed and would never go anywhere by teachers and administrators alike. The teachers and administrators that never could see the real my past all those tests and indicators they put me throguht. They saw statistics rather then people. They saw me as a disability rather then a person with a disability. Now, I never thought it realy phased me all that much asside from motivating me to prove them all wrong, but looking back on all the fears I had of being stuck in Plainview all my life with some terrible job and no friends, its very clear that those words realy did have an impact on me phycologicaly back then.

Now, I am not writing this because this is still how i feel, I am writing that to give this next part some context.

So today I was listining to that old CD and remembering how I used to relate with all its songs about being stuck in boring towns and never getting out and never changing. I used to feer being stuck in Plainview and never seeing anything else and never being indipendant of my family. As I was listining (and singing along at the top of my lungs, of course!) I realized that not only have I forgot about those fears, I had prooved those fears wrong!

I remembered I had 3 dreams in highschool: leave new york on my own, fall in love, and save the world.

Leave new york? Check!
Save the world? On my way!
Fall in love? Not yet, but thats only because I havent found the compliment to such a strange type as myself.

I am half done acheaving my dreams after only a few short years. I have not realized this untill today and it realy gives me hope. I look back on all that I have acheaved in the past four or five years and it makes me wonder what I can REALY do in the span of the next 10 years.

Look out world, here comes the rise of Steve Fox!

On a lighter note, the kids I work with tought me how to do the Jerk dance yesturday. Yay!
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