Do people really have this much free time?

Mar 02, 2013 03:09

After all of these years, I finally get my own stalker. I'm amazed and a bit amused that he's so single-mindedly obsessed and went from friend to psycho so quickly after all these years. Maybe I'm odd but the many rambling half-hour long voice mails and hundreds of text messages just make me laugh, although making up bullshit to my best friends is really pissing me off.

Most of the harassment is being directed at my fiancée, unfortunately, and that's not so easy to shrug off, but it sucks that it all started on Friday so there's no time to get a restraining order in place. Plus. We know he's traveling but not where, so we couldn't serve him if we had it.

It makes me wonder what goes through someone's head when you decline their call ten times in a row and they immediately make another. Stupid, or just insane?

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