Log 12 - Night 6

May 30, 2007 10:28

Today's events were less than promising.

Breakfast started out fine. I wanted to acquaint myself with Omi's friends, so I approached the blond one named Yohji. I've seen him around quite a bit, so I believe he's been here about as long as I have. In hindsight, I realize if I had come clean then about what Omi had told me, I might have avoided this situation entirely. Funny how hindsight works...

At any rate, I spoke to Yohji for a few minutes before Omi showed up. It seemed to me that Omi seemed apprehensive about telling Yohji that I had forced him to talk. So, I kept quiet about it for the most part. Except for a few comments that I could have done without. My youkai nature has been acting up lately... Looking back, I think I wanted to see just how far I could press the issue. Well, I found my answer, didn't I?

I approached Yohji again during lunch. I'd seen a bulletin board post involving him, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried. But when I asked him about it, he refused to tell me anything. I thought this was because he was protecting his secret, so I informed him of what Omi told me. The surprise, I had expected, but not the anger. Or Yohji believing that Omi was trying to test him, despite whatever I said afterwards to dissuade him.

It was alarming how easily I had broken his spirit. I had no idea that a few words would result in an outcome of that magnitude. If I was any less human, I might have taken advantage of his mental state, but I couldn't do it. He's Omi's friend. Hurting him meant hurting Omi, and I'd already done enough damage, however unintentional.

And speaking of Omi, he seems less than pleased with me. I wonder why.

Sarcasm aside, I need to fix this somehow. It was my mistake.
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