Jul 30, 2006 16:15
I just got off work...once again. I love listening to music when I get home from work. I love music in general. Why is everyone on myspace? What's so special about it? I heard people talking at work all day.."Are you on myspace?" or "So I was on myspace..." The only people i ended up finding on myspace were people that I realized I really didn't want to talk to anyway. Like people from highschool that I hardly talked to. I don't want those people knowing what I'm doing. I haven't even gotten the urge to start my myspace back up again since I quit it. Oh well..peoples vices I suppose. This girl at work is leaving in 5 weeks to go study chinese in Taiwan. I wish I could just leave and go to a different country on a whim. AHhhh..to be that free. "I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal..." -Incubus "Warning" I like that quote. I'm listening to the song. Branden Boyd is awesome. So lance bass is gay. Big surprise...noone saw that one coming. LOL. We were talking about it at work today. I wish I had more time to read. I also wish that I had more supplies to paint with. I really like painting. My dad is pissing me off. He refuses to be an adult. People are dumb. Oh well, I suppose those things cannot be changed, as much as I would like them to be. It's pretty cold today compared to this past week. Last weekend was like 102 degrees. Vegas is going to be crazy. I can't wait to go on vacation in a couple of weeks. Marysville and Spokane! Woohoo! I can't wait to meet Branden's family. Well the rest of them anyway, I've already met his dad and his stepmom. I can't wait to meet his friends either. It ought to be quite exciting. I really have the urge to attend some sort of concert. I don't really care what kind of venue. Local, big... anything. Concerts are exciting. I just realized that I switch topics a lot. Oh well. It's how my brain works I guess. Maybe I have ADD or something. I don't really know if I believe in ADD or not. I think it's just something doctors make up to create one more medicine that people think they have to take. I don't like taking medicine. It makes me feel weak. That sounds weird, but it's true. I hate thinking that I can't fix something myself or that something is wrong with me and I have to put some foreign substance in me. I think I might go eat some leftover pizza. It sounds tasty. I'm tired but I don't think I can go to sleep. Maybe I'll eat some pizza and then try to get some rest. I guess I will write again tomorrow....maybe I can think of some more interesting things to write about. Fo' Shizzy.