Sep 10, 2003 09:15
CALCULUS SUCKSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! AKA ITS SUCKING MY POOR MOLLY FEBILE BRAIN OUT SLOWLY!!!!!!OUCHIE! SO PAINFUL!!!! lol its not so bad other than i HATE THE STINKING HIPPY ASS TEACHER! and it takes her like forever to go over the chapter, postpones homework, and it makes no damn sense!!!!!!!!! WAHHHH! MY CUTE LITTLE MIND WASNT MADE FOR THIS SHYTE! but alas i have to pay my dues. who made this crap up anyways?! who did it?!!! damn you to hell the person who made calculus required in college! god i just need a mericle to get through this semester, i am hoping for the class curve? i know for a fact at least 75% of the class is totally lost and the professor is oblivious. cause otherwise if there is no class curve i am screwed! luckily i know some people who can help and to them i owe my soul! lol! i owe them big:) thanks to nicole and her man and andrew lol for blowing my mind but listening to me and trying to help. (pretty bad that a 17 year old is counseling me in calculus and i am almost 21!) that was really cool of ya last night andrew, and my sister angie I LUV HER SOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
last night man i was nightamring! stuff thats so retarded but you wake up like whoa its real!!! like jojo called home and mom didnt get the number from jersey and was bitching me out that he called, but i wanted to know why he called, i must admit i actually miss him a little, not as a boyfriend but as someone i really related to and could talk to, you just understand each other, and you start to wonder what that person is up to, cause you are so used to knowing every detail i guess for so long. then you have to snap out of it and slap yourself! lol! and i dream about my fish dying, i think i am obsessed! lol that freaks me out cause i love them! i woke up in like a cold sweat! and the dread of going to class, the thing that kills me is i can usually grasp things, if not do a little reading, with calculus its like my brain just totally rejects it! even if i try, maybe if i had a better teacher i dunno, cause when certain people help me i totally get it. oh well. it just kills me that i cant get it on my own. and i really want to do well, its just my major weakness. oh well gotta get ready for accounting another class to rock my molly world. just one more semester of that too and i am home free. i just gotta keep trying as hard as i can. my art is kicking ass though i am really feeling the energy this year and really exicited to do the art and its soooo relaxing compared to my other classes its like a soul release. wish i could just major in art:( thats too easy for me tho
love always
molly anne