Jul 14, 2004 11:51
I'm really sorry if I was being a bitch to you yesterday. I was venting my anger out and getting in to fights with like everyone because right now my life is a total mess and I was frustrated. But know what I realized? All me and erick ever do is fight and then make up then fight... its like what we do hahaha. he tells me that I'm messed up and i yell at him. wierd relationship huh? Im sorry ericky!!! you know I love u. Also I'm sorry if I ever made seth feel bad cuz hes a really great guy with good intentions.
Its amazing how your life can fall apart within the blink of an eye. Everything changes and I know that, but why does it all seem to occur at the same period in someones life? A happy family can not even be concidered a family in an instant and a life can be flipped upsidedown by one dumb cop, which in turn can lead to a divorce and loved ones going behind bars. I shouldnt be saying this though because I have life good and I know it. Theres people out there with way worse of problems, like starving and dying. It always helps to look at what you have, not what youve lost. Why compare yourself to those with perfect lifes when you could compare yourself to those with horrible ones. Its just like seeing the glass as half full or half empty. But now that I think about it, there is no way that the glass could be entirely full. Every person in the whole entire world will have some problem, weather its a stain on their new shirt, their parent leaving, or a loved one passing away. And to someone with a perfect life, getting a stain on their shirt could cause as much pain as someone with a horrible life not getting to be tucked into bed my a mommy. Its all a case of extremity in life, and I should be thankful that I havent lost anyone forever, and that I'm still alive and healthy. Somehow its a lot easier to say that then it is to do...
I'll try though. I'll keep smiling, because even if im not happy, a smile can change someones life, and give someone else the joy of knowing that you care. Even if its just a smile or a hug, or even a hello. In the end though everything will work itself out, I have faith. Love always,
I love you grace with all my heart.