FIC: Chapter 13 of The Mission

Oct 11, 2011 00:39

Category: Fic
Title:  The Mission
Characters:  Teyla
Chapters: 13
Rating: K
Word Count: 100

Chapter 13

Teyla’s fist connects squarely on her assailant‘s jaw, knocking his head sideway, stunning him. When her assailant turn around to face her again, Teyla sees him wiping the blood from the cut on his lip. She also sees the anger flare in the dark eyes looking down at her.

She knew what was coming next. Her would be attacker would try to use his size to subdue her, predictable, but she knew she could not allow her attacker to gain the upper hand. The man and his friends had accosted her and the others ladies as they tried to leave.

the mission, teyla

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