Category: Fic
Title: The Mission
Characters: John and team.
Chapter: 6/?
Rating: K
Word Count: 100
Note: I know I haven't update in days. I had a few stressful days working on a major case and project. Still I was sent a note today telling me that I was slacking. LOL So I hope to post a few updates over the weekend.
The woman looks disappointedly at the guard as John watches intently. It seems whatever plans she had for John and the others that Teyla was to be a part of it.
John tries to look back at Ronon and Rodney without alerting their host and the guards.
Ronon and Rodney and the Marine had remained stoic albeit they were just as curious as John.
It was unbeknown to their captures that Teyla was no longer a member of his team.
He’s encouraged that their capturers weren’t aware of this detail, being concerned about the Intel they may have on Atlantis.