Category: Fic
Title: A Fleshly Vision
Characters: John/ Teyla
Rating: K
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Disclaimers: I own no rights to SGA.
Note: For the Beya 100 word Fic challenge.
The corridors of the City were mostly deserted due to the hour. Awash in a quiet calm from the lack of people walking in its hallways, John walked out onto the moonlit balcony. He paused as he saw Teyla’s silhouette tuck away close to the wall of the city. Teyla’s face was concealed in the darkness of the night. Yet John could see the tendrils of her hair being pulled by the night's breeze.
He stood watching Teyla for a moment; unnoticed and captivated. She was a fleshly vision pulling him to surrender, to claim the love he thought unattainable.