Title: Moving On
Characters/Pairing: Kanaan/Teyla, John/Teyla
Summary: Her vision had always been to look beyond what he and others had thought was wise and expected
Rating: T
Words: 562
Notes: For the Beya March Madness challenge. Inspired by the word, Beyond.
Thrown over his shoulder was the sack that held all his possessions he had on Atlantis. The walk to the Gateroom felt like the longest walk of Kanaan’s life. It was not like he hadn’t been accustomed to walking, for his people are proud farmers, tenders of the earth. But he knew what this walk represented in his life. He knew what he was leaving behind. While he walked through the city, he was ignored by most of the people he had walked by. This was further affirmation that he was not truly accepted by these people.
Atlantis was never truly his home. He belonged among his people. For he, never truly felt as if he belong here with these people who now lived here in the city of the Ancestors. He does not share Teyla kinship with these people from another galaxy. For many of their ways were so different from those of his people. He does not want to be judge by their standards. His head lifted of its own accord, his pride was still strong, for he is a proud Athosian.
He came to live on Atlantis because this is where his beloved wanted him to be with their son. But a part of him always knew from the very beginning that this haven between him and Teyla would not endured the passage of time, theirs, was destined to be fleeting, as the setting sun. Because he had always known in his heart that no matter how much he had hoped or tried to hold onto Teyla that he would eventually lose her. Lose her to a world that was not of theirs.
Although, Teyla was born of their people, Teyla wasn’t of their people. Her destiny was never defined by only that of her people. Her vision had always been to look beyond what he and others had thought was wise and expected. This was known of Teyla for many years since their days of childhood.
He suspected if it hadn’t been for their son; he would have lost her a long time ago. Their son had been the bind that held together, but sadly they both came to that realization that their son could not be the only real thread they shared. Some things were beyond them both.
As the Stargate, began to open before him with that all too familiar sound, he could not escape the sadness he felt and yet he was still hopeful. He knew he would not lose his son even if he had lost his beloved to this place and its people. At that moment, he did not know what possessed him to turn around, for the Gateroom was neither, busy nor quiet. But he could feel familiar eyes on him now. He looked up at the balcony and he saw her. Teyla was looking down upon him.
He could see the regret and sadness in her eyes. Their eyes held for what seemed like an eternity, but it could not have been more than a few seconds. Then the moment was broken, as he saw Colonel Sheppard exited the opening office’s doors. Then the Colonel’s gaze fell upon his beloved; Teyla’s still form from behind. It was a gaze he knew all too well because it seemed it was the only real thing he had in common with the Colonel.