I figured I needed to say hello to my journal. Well actually more than hello.
Wow, I haven't posted on my own journal in months. I really haven't had time to do much online stuff, or much time to be online much of the
times, but I have had some time to at least visit from time to time briefly. I had hoped to be more active but RL had other ideas. House hunting, purchasing a new home, moving, hurting my back and hip, not sure how I did that one yet, maybe too much lifting; spending time with my niece before she went away for college; road trips; and then losing another love one at the tender age of 17 a couple weeks ago while your family is still dealing with issues from the death of one of the most important people in their lives.
So you can only imagine that things haven't been the easiest and it has certainly kept me busy these past few months along with trying to do my job. A job where my responsibilities seem to have double in the last month. We lost a team member due to her career change and now we are expected to try to do her work and ours too. *sighs* And yet I have to be grateful that I have my job cause I have friends and family who don't have jobs at the moment. So I know I can't take anything for granted. I'm trying my hardest to not let the stress get to me. And that knot in the back of neck is telling me I am failing at least for today.
It is definitely time for self pampering. And to do the things I do enjoy doing. For me that is music, photography, writing, reading besides other hobbies.
So yes, I miss doing artwork.
Yes, I miss writing. And I really don't like the fact that I have fics that are WIP. Fics that I haven't finish because I just didn't and don't have the time and the inspiration has gone.
And I did let a certain someone talked me into joining Twitter. And of course that has been neglected too.
I still haven't let them talk me into going on Facebook. Holding out on that one.