Thanks for reminding me . . .

Jun 22, 2005 18:17

Colorsavvy's hilarious post reminded me of something . . . I keep getting the impression that the crazy people in France are crazier than the crazy people in Canada. Its not just that they're ranting and raving in a language that I don't really understand. Its also the clothing. At home, you generally see the value village get-up that sometimes makes random crazy people difficult to distinguish from your average hipster. But in France, oh lordy. You've got full-on Moses robes, with walking sticks and everything. 'Shoes' that look like he has skinned a cow and tied the hide to his feet with dental floss. On the women, layers and layers and layers of skirts, even (no, especially) when it is 40 degrees celsius. And they are always completely covered in filth. Just dirty. Like nothing I've ever seen. And then there's the yelling, the speaking in tongues, the waving of the arms, the charging of unsuspecting pedestrians . . . it really makes you BELIEVE in crazy, you know?
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