??Which colour of Death is yours?? brought to you by
Quizilla What an odd quiz, but hey I like odd things just look at my friends ... So hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I'm sure at some point I will have talked to some of you before Monday roles around. O.K. So I start classes again on Monday and does it seem odd to any of you that I just don't really give a crap and would rather be doing anything else? I know I can be lazy academically but this college is driving me crazy. Don't get me wrong I still think funeral directing is awesome and all, but frankly I am bored out of my mind with classes, I don't pay attention, my grades are going *turning both thumbs upside down*, and I can't stand the majority of the people I am spending my day with because they seem to be the intellectual equals of well equal (you know the sugar substitute). Well I want real damn sugar. Maybe it can be attributed to just missing Drake, and home, but I actually think it is just that I got use to having odd in depth convos on a daily basis, doing New York Times Crosswords at dinner, and harassing and being harassed by your not so average run of the mill weirdos on a daily basis and now I am hungry for sugar (slightly amusing, should say salt since I have had so much of it pored down my pants in my hair at Spikes). I would transfer schools but I don't think it would get any better any where else. Now don't be under the impression that everyone going to school to be a funeral director is "challenged", hehe wish I was challenged, then again maybe I am, hehe, because I have a handful of kids in my class that have brains that they use on a regular basis, but for the most part they have been academics too. I just feel that over all the school I am going to with its little stipulations, its twelve classes a semester, and its 2 or 3 teachers that actually have at least a B.A. in something (Kuddos to Romburger and her chemistry degree from Harvard and Robinson and her masters in Microbiology), is not all it was cracked up to be, in fact, I know it is not. They push you through, they get your money, and if you learn enough to make it along the way then o.k. and if not well some sorry sucker that didn't learn enough along the way ten years ago, will hire you anyway. O.K. enough of my depressing, I'm bored and need to be doing something else plus funeral directing talk.
So I was excited to see that new issue of Drake Magazine online was up and running. YAY, Asya for all your hard work and time. I thought the bios were great, and especially liked the 90's article by Phil. Your design ideas were awesome and as always good luck Asya with getting 515 finished up! I hope your days as a Carnegie Whore are almost over.
I am sure I will post again today, just because I can damn it. After all, all I am doing today is working, and well we have no services and people have seemed to stop dying (OH great I picked a dying profession, HAHA , Horrible Nathan style pun, YAY) I will try to come up with something a little more fun for you all to read and ... maybe do, hehe.
GIANT SMOOCHES *blowing kisses*