Feb 13, 2005 17:48
So it is late late afternoon and I was pondering the importance of knowing how to calculate working capital and how I would use my knowledge about the Hypoglossal nerve, cranial nerve XII, when I have just realized that I have a sore throat. Not a full ouchy type but a subtle oh crap I am going to be sick tomorrow type. (For those who have not had physiology or anatomy, the Hypoglossal nerve controls tongue muscles, hehehe *wink*)Anyway I am not sure what action I should take to head off my impending sickness. I thought about just giving up on going to the gym this evening and drinking half a gallon of orange juice and going to bed at 8, but my butt would suffer the consequences of expansion if I ditched the gym, I have no fondness for O.J., and even though I feel tired I have a sneaking suspicion that I would not be able to fall asleep if I turned in at 8.
I think I will go to the gym the second I get off work, workout for and hour and a half, come home and take a bath and go to bed. This however, means I will have to be up very very early in the morning so I can make a valentine for my desk partner at school and so I can learn the basics of casket merchandising for a quizzes. The only thing that has saved me time and time again is that I have an uncanny ability to memorize important quiz information while setting at red lights on the way to school. I may have to use that talent in the morning as I have no desire to read 5 pages of detailed pricing theories on caskets. I bet you didn't even know that casket pricing theories existed. Then again you are all a witty eccentric bunch so who knows.
Well I suppose I should go and learn about the Glossopharyngeal nerve since it helps you swallow, not that I can see how it is important to know when dead people don't swallow... anyway that's what I have heard ... OH BAD JOKE BAD , I'm naughty and I will stop posting for now.