"I'm old enough to know better, but too young too care."

Jul 27, 2002 13:48

Well I woke up this morning and mom wants me to go out to lunch w/ her and dad so i got ready and now i'm waiting for them to come picl me up. she just ccalled me from eckerds and there was a book there from my fav. author....Nicholas Sparks so she said she's gonna get it for me....hope it's good. well tonight i think i have a dinner party...i'm not sure yet if it's final. well i guess that's all for now. will write later!

Later on: well i just got home from what seems like this morning.... went out to lunch at on the border... than since holly and britney are leavinbg to alaska mom wanted to make an alaskian survival kit so we went to some stores and got some stuff that they could ddo when they got snoweed in...like a puzzle, a beach balll to remember miami and simple stuff like that. i went to the dollar store and while i was there i finally talked to Kimmy.... she seems really nice and straight forward so we sshould be getting along great!..well i finally got home and we had to wrap the gifts and we did that in like record timing than i had to get ready and greg stopped bvy for like 2 min. just to say hi 'cuz we're trying t o see each other every single day over the summmer... so far so good but i think i'm going to the keys some time soon so that might ruin that but we'll be fine. than we had to go to cheryl's to feed the cats and birds and than we were off to holly's we got there and she started crying after she opened the gift....aww.. thna we went out to dinner and i was talking mostly tto christin 'cuz i don't see her much so we had fun. than we came home and greg stopped by for like 20 min it was cute we told each other our day's since i didn't see him at all today except for the 5 min. i talked to jennifer... she got me some clothes and a new purse...yippy! i think we're closer thanw e have ever been it's pretty kewl. well i need to go to bed... getting up early i get to drive by my self tom...yay! and i'm pretty sure i'm getting a car either before school starts or pretty soon after school starts..yippie! that's gonna be awesome! and guess what?!? only 2 1/2 more day's 'til cheerleading starts!! yay! how exciting! well Jennifer comes back tom. she wantssx me to go w/ mom to pikc her up at the airport so we'll see i hope i can go... not sure if there's gonna be enough room w/ her, joe, andre', and all the luggage... we'll see... well off to bed gotta get up early and look at some cars good night!

Quote: "Don't let the darkness of the past cover the brightness of the future."
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