Jun 27, 2006 13:52
Start Watching Your Carb-output!
Take the Carb Cutter Challenge. proudced by Co-Op America.org, taken from
Al Gore's recommendations at the end of An Inconvienent Truth
It's simple! Check off the steps you plan to take and see your total carb-output savings.
By reducing your carbon emissions by 4,660 pounds you can help reduce environmental, health, economic, and security risks caused by our dependence on fossil fuel to power our lives and our country.
900 lbs - Replace 5 incandescent light bulbs with five compact fluorescent light
300 lbs - Use sleep settings on your computer at work and at home.
600 lbs - Stop leaky appliances. When not in use, unplug appliances that require
direct currents - such as stereos, VCRs, DVD players, TVs and others.
600 lbs - Use cold water instead of hot water for every load of laundry.
260 lbs - Drive less. Commit to shaving off 5 miles in car rides each week. Bike,
walk, or use public transit.
300 lbs - Send out one less 30 gallon bag of garbage per week. Recycle. Compost. Buy
in bulk and use fewer packaged goods.
1,700 lbs - Take one less domestic flight. Go by bus or train. Combine trips. Or just
stay home.