May 06, 2003 10:54
hey everyone im back!!! sorry i havent been updating but its jsut wenever spring comes ige t busy with golf...update with golf...i suck...this year ive been doing reallllllllllllllyyyyyyyy bad well not that bad stuff okay but like badder (lol) than last year so that kidna dwindling we only have 10 days woo hoo..scarey tho...cant believe illb e uota highschool n be like at college next not grown up enough yet haha..but yeah dunno in study now tis broing ish jsut wrote people emaisl like whoever was in my box already cuz i kenw their emails =) sorries for those who didnt get one...still heart ya =) i dunno today got another freakin golf amtch hmph kinda sucks but hey like this week have 4 outs 5 days filled cuz of golf bblahhhh but yeah i dont remember too much thats happened in my life recently jsut rememebr prom weekend...cuz that was friday =)...but yeah so gettin ready for prom on friday my mom made a hair appt at 11....wayyyyyyyyyyyy too early so like had ntn to do so went to my grandmas n chilled there for a lil n then went home n like sat there...managed to fall asleep sitting up woo hoo but then kinda messed the back of my hair up but i thought it came out kidna kewl pretty funky n all yeah then mi madre ggets home and chilled n talked with her for awhile...btw jen says then start gettin ready n do makeup n stuff like that n then put my dress on...ehh thought it coulda looked better but hey it was the color that got me to buy it yeah was runing a lil late n had to emet rich at iha at 5 but yeah got ther ea few after n his mommy daddy n him followed us to annies for within 5 min b4 got there started liek a downpour which kidna sucked balls but yeah then got inside after sum like managin to not get my dress or hair wet lol took sum pics introduced every1 n all that so yeah limo called was like 30 min late hmph kinda sucked but then like there was tons of traffic n lots of people were late...phew..but yeah side note was upset with the limo cuz it didnt have a cool mirror ceailing that changes color so i could stare at it =( but yeah got to prom did the whole line thnig hate that but yeah got in danced had fun good tiems during that then after it was off to was forgetfulthis weekend n forgot her bag in the room so we had to go back n got like yelled at but hey they let us yeah get into limo again i had such probs sittin still was wayyy too hyper and then like sittin without a seatbelt sideways was kinda hard..but yeah got to bowling put on our colored socks and shoes n went at it..first game i beat all the grls and one guy..forget which one tho think it was tom but hey good tymes second game only bowled till like 5 n meg finished hers cuz she was doin good...then it was off in the limo again to go sad eve 6 heres to the night came on n like it was weird...almsot over...proms so many things ending and stuff which kinda get to annies and like say bye to tom n rich cuz they couldnt stay n went inside...all of us jsut like chilled ns tuff till noe by one people fell asleep i was wayy to awake to sleep tho so kept sagar n gabbers awake..sorry bout that guys...hmm yea eventually gabbers felll asleep ns atyed up talkngi to sagar...woah it was weird suddenly cc woke up cuz she forgot to set the alarm so freaky hahaha but weas funny as hell oh n yeah chris had a bag udner his foot n kept on moving so gabebrs tried toge t it out but then like the handle was caught on his foot n we were like all laughin tryin tog et it off but that didnt work so good hahaha but yeah then every1 was sleeping n i wa slike gettin soo tired so slept for a lil but kept on waking up wen like sum1 moved humph but yeah so like slept round an hr mebe wasnty a good sleept tho but then woke yup like 730 n kept our convo got up at 8 n left tear but yeah then everyone was like awake n then gabber sleft like 9 or 930 ish n then stayed till mebe like 1030 b4 my mom came n annie n chris elft n then i left sagar all alone sorries everyone wia s in the way but yeah hair taking out friday night was was this big poof lieks till how my ahir was haha n then slept on it so got worse haha annie n i had a tie on how many bobby pins we had..well i ahd 31 n she had 32 but i lsot sum throgh out the night...but yeah elft with my mommy n went to seville...thank god noone i kewn was there my hair was a poof n like i was wearin my snowflake pjs n an old shirt haha but yeah went home n the doorbell rang had tog et it n it was my cuz robn tellnig me soemthing n iw as so confused so then my mom came n talked to him n he was suprised iw as that awake haha but yeah so then watched the video from the were missin n good aprts too like the me n annie wanting each otehr part tear...but yeah so then took a nap n then woke up got dressed n then met cc at annies again cuz she didnt wanna drive to sagars so drove to his house and met gabbers n him there n thenw e went to teh bus stop and chilled there till the bus came..took it inot th city n didnt get sutck by a fat guy again that took up like his seat n msot of mine hahaha memories but yeah got to teh city n let cc lead us around..took us almsot in a circle but it was all good haha had sum puizza at pizza hut n got sum coffee from dunkin donuts..then went n got our tixx n chileld uotside was pretty good ..was upset cuz didnt geto to sit next to cc or gabbers at first... like we sat in a row n then gabebrs n cc moved down cuz cc couldnt see but then i couldnt see so changed with sagar n then during second act ppl moved again n so i couldnt see frm where iw as then so switched with sagar again n got to sit next toc c yay =) but yeah after it was over went to ben n jerrys met this like weird guy who was like old n involed with shows..must have been on drugs haha but yeah then we went abck to pa n got tixx n chiled nw aited for the fell asleep so i sat next to ehr sleepin n then gabbers n sagar sat with each other...woke cc up as we were leavin n theng ot off n realized she didnt have her cell phone ..oh she flipped out but i thinkw e kidan calmed her down..but yeah then went back to sagars after i like fell down thro the tress he toko us tho..tried callin the bus palce but was closed and then drove cc to her car n then went over gabbers n slept ther for the night..thansk hun...woke up at like 830 it hink n showered nd ressed n then went to maywood n got kelly ann...went to tcnj n got lauren n went to the mall ther en ate enw sandals bright orange yay lol then after that went to burlington made our way tehre without directions woo hoo haha and then like had to call brian for directions to soccer n got tehr en chileld for awhile saw sum1 but didnt really talk to em =( but tis all good they were busy haha yeah so then dropepd lauren off n then kelly ann off n then chis..n then came home n cleaned my romo n jsut chileld home finally hahah so eyah gg class is over fun weekend n im gunan try n update later see if i missed anything...but yeah peace out yall have fun ta tas dunno wut im sayin hahah but gg its 1120 cant be late peace muahz