Jul 19, 2007 19:03
1. Dad's talking about the California job, just a different version where we get to live in Michigan. I don't know anymore and frankly I don't care. They screw up my life by telling me we're leaving then say we're not. Which makes me look like a jackass because I told everyone I was leaving and felt like everything I saw or did was the last memory I could ever make of it.
1. I'm moving into Adrian on August 12th, I have Band Camp and then Frosh Orientation then classes start. I'm pretty sure it might affect some of my relationships with friends negatively, but hey that's how it is for everyone. I hope I make good decisions.
1. Can be controlling and possessive, and I decided that's because they really want to keep their man, but if it's to the point where you've got to pretend around friends and set rules behind their backs then what kind of friendship is that?
1. Said Boy started calling//texting me, which is definately outside the rules. He may be a piece of shit, but he's manipulative as hell and I'm too big of a coward to tell him to fuck off. Then again, many times I've told him to fuck off, he get's pissed and a few months later we start back over. So the only drama left is when he has a tantrum because he doesn't get his way.
2. Next Boy tells me he "resents my existance". When I asked why he wouldn't answer because "it could make a 180 fast". So do I find comfort in that or feel pain that anyone could say that? Who knows.
3. This one I really care about. I'm really worried about what's going to happen when I go to school, and I never was before. Lately we've been having some problems, some my fault and some his. I'm not a fan of feeling unsure, I'm more of an all or nothing kind of girl. I tried to do nice little personal things for him, but not only is he resiprocating he's hardly responding to it. I don't know if he's losing feelings or if I'm over reacting but either way I don't have a good feeling about it. The more I try the more it doesn't work...but if I quit trying altogether things could go downhill very fast. The thing is, it's hard to go back to the way a relationship used to be, because we've been through things, we've grown, become more comfortable with each other, and at least I am taking things more seriously, thinking long term.