> 067 - no satiety value / filtered away from Seta Soujiro

Jul 19, 2008 20:58

[When Megumi’s voice comes on, she sounds disgusted and rather ill to her stomach.]

I have never tried a “pizza” before, though I have heard of it. I hear that it is supposed to be delicious.

However, a pizza with oyster, lamb, and honey mustard sauce as dressing?

Whomsoever sent this to Mitsuhide and I . . .

[A small, irked sound.]

. . . has poor taste in toppings.

this is really strange, mitsuhide, the kitchen can be a dangerous place, hmph, pizza is supposed to be delicious, trying to keep the nightmares away, mitsuhide save me please! ;_;, bad food is dangerous to your health, sick megumi is sick, afraid of gastrointestinal disorders

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