For this to greet us after our wedding-
None of us needs this. Too many have suffered enough. A scar should remain as it is-a scar.
None of us needs such a reminder of war and of bloodshed.
[voice post / private to
Mitsuhide / unhackable]
Anata . . . please be careful, my love. I’m so worried about you . . . Tell me if your wounds become any worse and I will come to where you are. Please.
For now . . . Please stay safe, love. I am in the hospital right now. Do not worry . . . I will be home soon. I love you.
[voice post / filtered to Mitsuhide, to
the Kenshin-
gumi, to her and Mitsuhide’s
City children, and to all friends / unhackable]
Is everyone alright? To those of you who have borne traumatic injuries previously-how are you all?
[public voice post]
For those of you who are affected by today’s curse and are bleeding at this very moment, find the cleanest and the thickest piece of cloth nearest you and use it to apply direct pressure onto the wound. Do not hesitate to push down, because this application of pressure will staunch the bleeding.
If possible, elevate the extremity that is wounded. This will reduce blood flow to the area and will consequently reduce the bleeding.
Do not apply tourniquets if you are not trained to do so, as this may cause more damage by leading to necrosis.
For those who require surgical intervention and for those whose attempts to staunch the bleeding are unsuccessful, proceed to the hospital's emergency room immediately, or send a signal so that an ambulance may be sent to your location.
For those of you who are unaffected and are willing to donate blood to the hospital, please do so immediately as well; there are many who need transfusions, and any assistance would be of great help.
[/voice post]
It is a good thing that everything I need to make
this can be found in this City.
[ooc; Megumi’s family has created a medicine that they consider their family heirloom-a powerful, topical hemostatic that stops bleeding. She will be using it on her patients very liberally today.
Those under her friends filter are the people she talks to regularly. ♥ Don’t be uncertain; you know you’re there. ^_~]