May 06, 2008 22:45
Things To Do:
4- Food. Shelter. Batteries.
3- Set self up here in COMFORT, dammit.
2- Find way back home.
1- Find who/whatever brought me here. Kill them. Messily.
Batteries were like a no-go, alas. Laini dealt with the Industrial Revolution once, and had no desire to deal with it again. At least food and shelter were easier to obtain- Every Fox needs a bolt-hole or two.
Soon enough, she came to another road, and after a few more hours came across a small town settled around a rather large manor house. Listening to the quiet, sleepy noises of humans at rest, Laini snuck through the huddled collection of buildings, picking up a few things as she breezed through. Once past and back into the woods, she started circling out through the trees, searching in an expanding perimeter. She was looking for something useful- hidden and not too close, but at least close enough to keep using the town and manor for supplies.
Another hour or two, and just as the birds started singing their morning wake-up songs, Laini found what she was looking for. (Well, not exactly. She was looking for a 5 Star B&B with high speed internet access, but beggers can't be choosers.) It was a run down cottage- more of a hut, actually, with the roof half-caved in, but it was still sheltered. More importantly it was overgrown with vines and greenery, keeping it hidden to the casual eye. With a sigh and wry smile, she ducked inside to see what she had to work with.
With in a week, the inside was spotless and the roof was supported from caving in the rest of the way. The small well right outside the backdoor had been inspected and cleaned as well, and Laini was still debating rigging a Swiss Family Robinson-style mill-pulley system for hauling up water. More importantly, the hut was now even better camouflaged, with a few traps and tripwire warning alarms rigged up around the perimeter.
With her not-really-home-away-from-home finished, it was time for a bit of recon.
The name of the little town (Edwinstowe) was larger than the town itself. The manor and its outlying buildings seemed larger than the town, and after a week of eavesdropping found out the current resident of said manor was a Sir Guy of Gisbourne. As to where Gisbourne was, and why this Guy (haha) wasn't staying there, nothing Laini heard answered that. She did manage to find out through her keen observation skills that Guy was an overbearing bully with the little town completely under his thumb.
And since Edwinstowe was currently her source for bread for her wood-shrew sandwiches, this wouldn't do. The baker (and everyone else) didn't dare say or do anything-
But no one can really hold the spirits of the forest accountable for their actions if they get riled.
out of batteries