There is not much room past the Front Door- it exits out onto a small concrete lookout point, the area in front of them cut off with a hand rail-
Which is a smart idea, given that right past that is the edge of a cliff, looking down into dark water. Across the river is the other wall of the flooded canyon, topped with tall evergreens and ferns. The air is damp and mossy, and in the distance is the sound of cars and people, from the main drag of Wisconsin Dell's city center. The path and lookout are thankfully set back, though as they turn around, they can see the roofs of some buildings past the trees behind them. This area is quiet, for the moment- Though Laini frowns at a bit of litter cluttering the lookout, before she waves her arms around and grins at Sharpe.
"Earthside, in the middle of Wisconsin, but just for a moment. We'll catch one of the portals here, and get to Underhill proper. There's a couple paths in Underhill more direct to Milliways, but this is one of the easier ones."