Feb 11, 2004 15:45
Yep, had the Test from Hell in Sociology today. Like...we didn't COVER ANY OF THE MATERIAL IN THE DAMN LECTURES. It was all in the text!
Now, not everyone may know about my academic vigilance. Since I started college, my lust for knowledge and curricular prowess has somewhat waned died. I feel unmotivated to go to class, and my poor studying habits have all but disappeared. During high school, I breezed through all my courses with relative ease (except Chemistry...damn numbers). Never read the book, never studied, nothing. Now, though..I'm totally screwed.
Also, Robert moved to Carbondale today. I'm sort of glad that he's gone...ever since he asked me out, I just...eh. No. Sorry, not big on pot/booze/ecstasy/misc.
And I had a strange dream about Mike the other night, involving the Art Club and a Japanese pop star. Where does this stuff come from?
Lastly, I get to go to work tonight. What a privelege! Yay! Good thing I live in the South, where all the people are so nice, and polite, and have such nice manners. *grandiose roll of eyes.*
Yep, that's it.