An awesomest day of win ever...

Nov 03, 2008 19:20

Although Mom and I, like many mom/daughter pairs out there, have our tiffs, it usually gets better after a good meal. Especially when the daughter does the cooking on her own. You guessed it. Me. The same girl who'd likely fix one of those Hungry Man meals. The whole night went like this:

1) Hamburger Steak. It's like a hamburger, only it's big enough for loaf bread. It's AWESOME with onions and a salt/pepper mix.
2) Mashed Potatoes. Oh, yeah.
3) Green Beans. Sure it's Green Giant, but it's still good.

And it became the night of many compliments. Mainly of the food. Nothing bad. EPIC night.

And what made it even better was playing Sudoku and solving three puzzles in three hours. ^^; It is so much fun. I'm gonna play it when Mom gets in a bad mood.

So now, I'm gonna get off here. Poker's on, and I'm gonna get some dessert. Pudding. The only thing NOT homemade. Laters.


life, sudoku, home, food

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