May 29, 2007 22:39
I think I know what one of my problems is. That's the ever-popular "not feeling good about oneself" problem. It's bad enough when I've been written up twice, but even losing 14 times in a ROW in a poker game? Yeah, a therapist would sound nice about now.
I know I'm gonna get the "it's just a game" answer, but to me it's not a game. I'm sorry, but after being told by a dad who 1) said I would never make it in life, 2) never called me after the divorce, and 3) doesn't give a fuck about me, it's not that easy to pick myself up and go about life. If it matters.
Yeah, that's the reason I don't talk about my dad. He's a sorry son of a bitch who is a racist, spouse & child hitting, abusive bastard. And with Father's Day coming up in June, I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure. My aunt thinks I should send him a card. I think I should. Guess what it'd say? "Dad, this is the only fucking thing you're getting from me. Go to hell. ~Me."
Sims 2 isn't even helping, so I'm just going to RP now. Fuck Father's Day. I don't even have a dad.