Aug 17, 2008 20:54
SO, I just got back from GenCon Indy. FYI, that's a game convention in Indianapolis, among the other cities they visit. So I had a BLAST! I got to take a pic with a very 'portly' Doctor Horrible, saw a couple of Doctor Whos, a rockin' Cassandra, and a whole bunch of people dressed up. I saw only male Drows, so my plan for a costume next year is going to be crazy, more on that later. So I checked out the BSG board game, if I had people to play it with me then I would of bought it. My friend played AD&D 4.........if people want to play WOW, why not just play WOW? BACK OFF with my D&D! The entire point of gaming d&d is to sit around a table with a battle mat, minis, books, paper, and dice. Well ver. 4 takes away dice, character development and I want NO part of it. I get vertigo, so a lot of video game rpgs make me ill, so yeah that's upsetting. I got to 'bitch' out the Devil's Due boys, kinda. We, Ozz's cousin Tony and I, were in front of the booth and I was looking at the hardcovers and asked Tony if he'd read the comics. He said no and asked how they were? I said they were fantastic! Great adaptation, wonderful art, Drizzit looks awesome........but.....then I look right at um I think Rob Atkins?, and say "Except they made Catti-brie look like a whore!" Then we all bust up joking and I explained to Rob(?) about the previous day's run in with femi-nazi wailing on about how girls are potrayed in fantasy art. I'm OVER it. So it was more of a tee-hee-hee comment on my part.
Normally my friends run a seminar on Girl Gaming, and they didn't this year. That was a big mistake! The only two were LAME! No structure, no learning, no 'real' discussion. One guy there tried to say that as far as he knew females characters in game are treated the same as male. Um, NO! Women took penalties in D&D for simply being female. I don't remember, but I believe your strenght could only go up to 16. Um, that's only a +3 to strength checks, to hit, damage, that's bull shit! Then there was the dead horse beating of Fantasy Art. That's everywhere! Comics, movies, TV, and everywhere. Super sexy barely dressed images of women sell. That is what men enjoy, men statistically majorly finance these industries on multiple levels. Women complaining at this point are indeed just nagging. If women haven't figured out by now to let this crap roll off your back and just teach your children better from it, then I just don't know.....Then the next seminar was basically the same, no structure and more fantasy art nagging. Needless to say it was BEST I was not there that day because I would of been, poppin' off.
Other then that I'll post some vids and pics when Ozz comes home with our camera (he & Logan are at WWE Summer Slam), I got some rockin' Doctor Who toys and Cyberman tee, dice and what not. The twins did some 'fighting' it was FANTASTIC! O! So I leave to come home today because we celebrating August birthdays at my mom's (all 3 of my sibs, my kids, and our cousin) and my friend Katie calls. Apparently they were running Doctor Who RPG demos! Game comes out in 2009!!!! I cannot wait, its going to be table RPG and I'm so can't wait to play a 'Gwen Cooper' type and save a world or two! I still adore my AD&D but this is going to be a fun change. Heck, I think I should probably run a game, I've always wished I could write a Who episode. LOL