Mar 20, 2005 15:09
I don't know whats going on with me any more. I just do the dumbest things and not in a good way. I am losing so much. Moving was the worst thing my parents could ever do to me. Im losing my friends the people I love and I cant do anything about it either. Lately I've just done soo much without thinking of the conseqences and it fucked soo much shit up. I've totally hurt the person that means everything to me, know one knows how much he means to me I love him with all my heart and I'm afriad of losing him. Some stupid things I said, I saw it flash before my eyes and Its on the verge of slipping through the palms of my hands, It feels like hes almost gone.I love my friends with all my heart and they mean the world to me but there just not there any more but neither am I, I miss you guys. Jessica had steve Katie has Megan. I have eric but that still doesnt mean that i dont need you guys. Everything just feels like its going to shit. I miss everything where nothing meant everything and everything wasn't soo complicated I just miss everything. I love you eric and im sorry, i do stupid things sometimes and I dont mean to hurt you, you mean everything to mean and more I love you and i always will. It doesnt matter what some people say i should do. I know what i should do and it is to keep loving you as much as i do. I love you and dont let anything ruin what we have. Ive said some stupid things and im sorry from the bottom of my heart i am i dont want to lose the thing that means the most to me, I didnt mean ne thing i said it was stupid and im sorry timez a bazillion. I dont want this to end jus pleez forgive me.
I hate my self sometimez more than ever though today. I just wish there was somthing i could do to fix what Ive done.