As I said on Twitter last night, they are going to start filming Game of Thrones in my front yard because I NOW LIVE NORTH OF THE WALL. DDD: Seriously, this back-to-back snow storm bullshit can fuck right off. I know people who live in Michigan/New York/Colorado/Canada are all "lol that's cute" but if I wanted to live in a frozen tundra I'd move there. This is Missouri, we don't get 24 inches of snow in six days.
I have been the worst at writing lately, and
harlequinbbang is right around the corner. To keep myself motivated in order to finish my Steve/Tony marriage of convenience fic that I've literally been sitting on for over a year (!!!), I've started posting snippets to
my Tumblr. Check those out if you like--or wait another month or so and read the whole complete thing! BECAUSE IT WILL BE COMPLETED.