May 10, 2012 09:14

Okay, so. With all the excitement that's been building over the last week or so, there seems to be an unreasonable amount of negativity coming along with it. And that just won't do! So here's what I propose:

♥an Avengers Kissing Meme♥

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avengers kissing meme

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lezzerlee May 14 2012, 10:24:09 UTC
Forever late! But here's some Thor/Loki Post-Avengers PG-13 ( ... )


lezzerlee May 14 2012, 10:24:19 UTC
He kissed Loki desperately then, a consuming need to feel Loki’s mouth once more. He needed to remember what it was like when they were young, when nothing mattered more than the touch of hands over hot skin. When nothing felt more right in the world than Loki’s legs wrapped around him and and the ungentle nip of passionate kisses. Thor pressed his body close, feeling Loki’s chest breathing deeply against his own. He felt Loki respond to me, pressing forward, asking for more with a wicked tongue and small desperate moans. Thor struggled against the sense memory, wanting to grind against Loki’s lithe body, wanting to whisper every reassurance, every endearment he could think of into Loki’s neck, into his ear, into his heart ( ... )


verselle May 14 2012, 21:06:23 UTC
:((( oh Thor, bb.

That was sad and lovely <3


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