
Jun 27, 2011 10:28

WHERE IS THE EXPLODING OVARIES GIF WHEN I NEED IT????? I feel like the biggest creeper when I say sometimes I just want to rub my face on his shoulders/arms and then stare at him all o___o.



Pavlov's Bell by whiskyrunner - catboy!Arthur and werewolf!Eames SET IN CANON, OKAY. I cannot articulate the levels of hotness this fic goes to, no lie. Arthur goes into heat and there is MATING.

Lap It Up by recrudescence - Okay, yes, another jailbait!Arthur fic, but I will pretty much read anything recrudescence writes because it is like eating my favorite ice cream over and over again. Plus, there is car!sex and lap dances and Cobb being kind of hilariously obtuse. WIN.

And in case you didn't know, ae_match starts today!!!!! There is already some great stuff posted, and you can rest assured there will be TONS MORE throughout the summer. &fandom;

fic recs, goddamn it tom hardy

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