Total Number of Completed Stories: 17
Total Word Count: 121,000
Fandoms represented:
Sherlock Holmes,
Inception Overall Thoughts:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? I think I stayed about on par, but after looking back on this same meme last year, I...failed to write or complete any of the bandom fic I'd planned to finish. It's a little sad, but also not surprising to me.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Oh my god, hello Inception fandom. That was definitely not something I saw coming, TO SAY THE LEAST. I already knew a good chunk of this year would be devoted to Sherlock Holmes, but if you'd told me TWO movie fandoms would take over my brain in one year, I'd have said you were crazy, yo.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Roll Away Your Stone is by far the one story this year I have the most affection for. It was complete during what was the most difficult, emotionally trying time of my life, and the fact that it's even completed is amazing to me. I'm proud of how it turned out, how the characters developed and how virtually everything I wanted to say came across the way I wanted it to. It's probably the story I go back and reread the most from this year. Not to mention it's the epitome of every high school AU troupe I adore ever. :D
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I'd never written in a British/UK fandom prior to this year, and let me tell you, IT'S VERY NERVE-WRACKING. I learned that having excellent Brit-pickers around are a God send, and using the word "prick" isn't so bad if you're in 19th century Victorian England.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
inception_bang is looming and while I'm still trying to finish, I have high hopes for this fic (now that I no longer hate it). But my main goal currently for 2010 is The High School Crossover of Doom. And maybe to write an actual Hawaii 5-0 fic that's not just 500 words of me scribbling a bunch of banter.
From my past year of writing, what was...
My best story of this year: I think it's a tie between Roll Away Your Stone and
The Kind You Could Sing as far as my best writing goes. They're two very different fics, obviously--what's interesting is that the former is the seventh story I wrote in the Sherlock Holmes fandom, so I felt like I had a pretty good handle on the voices. But the latter was the very first fic I wrote in Inception, and I was still nervous about "canon" and how Arthur and Eames fit together. While there are parts of that story I'd probably change now, I still think the prose is good, and I love writing about fictional characters and their daemons, like, SO MUCH. ♥
My most popular story of this year: Ahahaha, oh man,
Dreams Are For Rookies, you guys, HOW IS THAT STORY SO POPULAR? I literally wrote it in less than a day and basically vomited all my ridiculous self-indulgences into words and crammed them all into bb!Arthur's head. I'm kind of embarrassed at its popularity, tbh, because it's so laaaaaaame. /o\ I wish I was kidding when I say that if you went back in time to fifteen-year-old!
foxxcub, you would find bb!Arthur from this fic. //o\\
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I'm been EXTREMELY fortunate to have found two new fandoms that are so inviting, I can't complain at all. ♥♥
Most fun story to write: Okay, yes, Dreams Are For Rookies and its sequel were a blast to write, as was
the Inception puppy AU. Give me teenage boys and/or anthropomorphic animals and I will give you RIDICULOUS WORDS.
Story with the single sexiest moment: God, ngl, the kissing scene from Roll Away Your Stone is my favoritest thing in the world, ugh. Actually, every remotely sexy scene in that fic is my favorite.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: PUPPIES IN LOVE AND PINING. WHAT. And I wrote it
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Some Origins of Fire was fun for me because I played around a little with the dynamics between Arthur and Eames, at least in the way I write them. I love Eames pursuing Arthur a lot, but there's just something about Arthur being determined and wanting Eames with this slow burn that just kills me.
Hardest story to write: Ugh,
What It Is to Burn took five years off my life. VICTORIAN ENGLISH, Y U SO BLOODY DIFFICULT? Writing that fic was like reading Faulkner; every paragraph felt like YEARS to write.
Biggest Disappointment: Honestly, even for as popular as it was, I really wish
the Detective!AU had been longer and that I'd worked on the plot more closely. That story still feels really rushed to me.
Biggest Surprise: The fact that even though I'm really loving those dorks on Hawaii 5-0, I am still deeply, DEEPLY in love with Arthur/Eames, which is weird! Normally when I start to like another pairing it's a sign that my interest in my current fandom is waning, but that's not the case here at all. It's like I'm actually capable of being polyfannish! I'M A FANDOM ADULT.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Dreams Are For Rookies, oh my god. Like I've said before, allllllll my teenage issues are wrapped up in bb!Arthur.
In conclusion: 2010 was...a very, very bad year. But if it weren't for two amazing fandoms getting me through it, it would've been much worse. This community gets me through so much and supports me in ways that blow my mind sometimes--mentally, emotionally, and creatively. I love you guys so much. You all help me grow as a person and a writer, and I look forward to growing even more in 2011. ♥