(no subject)

Nov 11, 2010 09:06

UGH, YOU GUYS. ♥___♥

The Kissing Meme is doing gangbusters and there is SO MUCH AWESOME ALL AROUND OMG. I'm pretty sure there's something for everyone, and new things are still being added! SO YOU SHOULD ALL GO ADD MORE. :DDDDDDD

Some of my favorites so far include:

- Hogwarts AU with Ghost!Eames! by butterflythread! WITH BONUS ART FROM platina. My heeeeeeeart, I want there to be 5000000 words of this immediately.

- Morning After by hermette. So warm and lovely, ugh, you'll want to cuddle it and feed it cookies.

- HIGH SCHOOL AU FROM jibrailis, OR EVERYTHING MY HEART COULD WANT EVER IN LIFE. Someone said this is like Stand By Me only older and more gay, which is spot-on. Also, a carnival is involved, and a kissing booth. I have read this 8435345 times already.

- Mistletoe fic by moleskinned. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED, SERIOUSLY??

- Wherein Eames is dressed like a BAMF and Arthur follows him around Berlin by cobweb_diamond. You knew fic was gonna come out of those photos, c'mon, don't even front.

- intense hotness by deepsix, who has promised to bring a porn sequel of sorts. *EYES IMPATIENTLY*

- Not Like This by gyzym. Not that you need me to tell you to read gyzym fic, but...well, GO READ THIS. Arthur loses his shit and can do nothing else but kiss Eames.

That's as far as I've gotten! If you've posted since last night, I WILL READ SOON, PROMISE! And yes, I realize these are all Arthur/Eames links, but there are also great Arthur/Cobb, Saito/Cobb, Arthur/Eames/Ariadne (&lyo;), and other stuff as well!

Also, I do not write WIPs, okay, I just don't. And yet... I started writing a college AU where Eames and Arthur are English Lit grad students. There are fake boyfriends involved. Arthur loves Whitman. Eames is a snarky dick. I DO NOT EVEN KNOW.

In short, after reading some shitty stuff on the anon meme yesterday, it's nice to be reminded how much fandom makes me happy. ♥

recs, inception kissing meme

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