
Nov 18, 2008 15:55

Wow, okay, so there's some serious sadfacing going on right now. I'm not really sure what to do about it. It just makes me so disheartened to see a fandom I love dearly making others feel like shit. This is a community and a place to flail and squee about stupid boys and their music--bringing negativity and hate into the equation is plain ignorant.

So lets talk about things that AREN'T ignorant. airgiodslv has already started a Hypothetical RPG which is a perfect excuse to go love on your favorite fic writers. She made an interesting comment about how a writer's love for a character just makes for better writing, and I think that's so true. Like, I know a fic by adellyna from Pete's POV is going to be utterly amazing, because she loves him one hundred percent and it shows in her writing so much. <33

But I'm taking this one step further and opening this post up for fandom love in general. And I'm talking people in fandom, not just fandom itself. Tell what new fic writer you've read whom you absolutely love, or who just picspammed your favorite pairing, or name a fic that always, no matter how many times you've read it, never fails to make you smile when you've had the worst day ever.

For me, I'd like to say that I have a tab open with fic that harriet_vane sent me, and it's filling me with GLEE, even though I have a headache and am hungry and don't want to be at work right now. She pretty much does that for me in general, though, so this isn't a newsflash. ♥

So go over to airgiodslv's post and show love, then leave some love here for your fellow fen. We're all here for the same reasons, and sometimes it's nice to be reminded of that. :)

fandom love-in

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