(no subject)

Sep 07, 2008 12:59


To reiterate, his face.

I am debating between DVRing either True Blood (OM NOM NOM ANNA PAQUIN) or the VMAs tonight. I'm leaning toward the former, since if I record the latter I'm just going to be spoiled by my flist, anyway. But I am SO EXCITED for Anna Paquin-and-vampires, ugh.

Ahaha, and DVRing means getting to delete one of Mr. Foxx's 2359345 UFC fights and/or 23454554 reruns of Reno 911 that he's already seen a gazillion times. *evil grin*

Made the mistake of skimming through patd_secrets. Now I must bleach my eyes.

P.S. imntsaying WROTE ME KITTEN FIC. Go read iiiiiiit, omg. ♥___♥

jon walker is my anti-drug

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