(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 21:32

If it seems like I'm being a bad LJer, that's because I'm devoting all my time to attempting to finish the Bookstore sequel in time for imntsaying's birthday. That means avoiding the flist and being way behind on comments. As adellyna pointed out, I'm horrible at fandom multi-tasking.

Jon snaps his fingers as a brilliant idea comes to him. "We're so celebrating tonight. Here, at the store." Yes, brilliant. There hasn't a party of any sort since Christmas (this year there was karaoke involved; Jon kind of wants to forget drunkenly serenading Spencer with Barry Manilow--Spencer finds "Mandy" more than a little hilarious these days).

Ryan raises an eyebrow. "We are, huh."

"Yup." He points at Gerard. "Bring whoever you want, man, it's totally cool. I'll even make you a sign."

Gerard beams. "You'd break out the good Crayolas for me?"

"Absolutely." He'll even get Brendon involved. Brendon loves getting to play with crayons. He's pondering using the reverse side of the giant banner they made for Ryan's birthday last year when the front door chimes and the entire store is filled with Frank's loud, slightly irritated, slightly concerned voice yelling, "Gee, what the fuck, I told you I'd just be a sec, it's not like I was gonna be all day, god--"

He comes barreling around the corner of one of the stacks and skids to a stop at Gerard's elbow, panting. "So what the hell's so important?"

Gerard bites his lip and smiles so hard, Jon can't help blurting out, "Your boyfriend's now a full-time department chair. All your kinky dreams are coming true, Iero."

Frank's eyes flare and his mouth drops open for all of two seconds before he's hauling Gerard to his chest and kissing him all sloppy and fast. "Holy fuck, I am officially on break, tell 'em I died if they come looking for me," he mumbles in between kisses as he drags Gerard toward the stairs leading up to Gerard's loft. "This calls for some serious head."

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE siryn99, who is getting this in email form. ♥

bookstore au

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