*insert Eddie Izzard Easter joke here*

Mar 23, 2008 14:29

I wish I got FUSE, ugh, STUPID CABLE. I need to have Jon and Spencer roof tiems, plz. ETA: It's already up!! This is only made worse by the fact that my deluxe edition of Pretty. Odd. is STILL not here yet. FBR, I AM GETTING IMPATIENT.

Some things you should partake of:

Manifesto by ignipes. LOLARIOUS IMPLIED GSF. That's pretty much all you need to know. \o/

In The Middle Of Summer (or, How Panic Wrote a Musical and (Maybe?) Didn’t Know It). Also hilarious.

Something I've been thinking about lately is how we interpret things in this fandom. Until last June, I'd never been heavily involved in an RPS fandom; I was used to working with a fictional media and drawing from subtexts within. But RPS is a whole other animal - it's both fantasy and reality mixed together until, most of the time, differentiating between the two becomes sort of impossible after awhile. For example: I only learned a few months ago that Pete calling Patrick "'Trick" is a fanon thing. There's no "canon" proof that Pete's ever called him by that nickname, but I'd read it so many times in fic that I simply assumed somewhere along the way he'd said it. We take bits and pieces of what we read and *think* we know about these guys and draw our own conclusions, whether they're right or wrong.

Everyone has their own opinions and favorites and way of interpreting pictures/videos/interviews, etc., and that's awesome, that's what makes fandom great. But in the end, it's all relative. Mr. Foxx STILL doesn't see how SGA is all about Sheppard and McKay's epic love for one another, no matter how many times he watches it. He also doesn't see how Panic are hopelessly gay for one another. Granted, he doesn't view the world with slash goggles like I do, but still. Relative. I think it was pearl_o who said a few weeks ago that one person's OTP is another person's epic friendship.

In the spirit of celebrating differences of opinions, let's play a game called Interpret the Gay. Behind the cut are a series of photos, and for each photo, feel free to tell me what YOU think is going on. I'll play, too!


Obviously, Jon caught Ryan and Brendon making out and has no explanation for it. Brendon is sorry and would really like to not be grounded. Ryan is grumpy that he was unable to get off. Spencer is bemused.


Honestly, someone just needs to snuggle with Jon. Too bad Spencer is distracting everyone with his hips, as per usual.


It seems to me like Ryan's trying to molest Brendon's portrait, but Spencer's vastly amused by something, and I really want to know what both he and Jon are pointing to.


This would be Jon's witness protection program phase. And Brendon needs attention right now.


IDK, all that matters are Brendon's shoes, which he may or may not have stolen from Spencer.



Your turn!

bandom, fic recs, i love this big gay fandom

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