I only drink my ass off in a parking lot for baseball shit, thx.

Oct 06, 2007 13:34

I hate living in a college town. BOO SATURDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL. I'm trying to get out of tailgating with my out-of-town friends, who've basically been at the stadium since eight o'clock this morning. They need to stop drunk texting me, I am NOT about to get my ass stuck in traffic. Missouri vs. Nebraska games make this town go INSANE, with the exception of Mizzou vs. Kansas.

I hate football. I need to move asfksfd;gdf. ;_;

Anyway, TeeVee last night was so awesome. Friday nights are my favorite right now!

Oh god. Oh my god. LANDRY. TYRA. JUST. *dies* I cannot tell you how many times I screamed "CALL THE POLICE!!!!1" at my TV. They would not go to jail for that. Not in a small town like Dillon. Not when Landry's dad's a cop. But that wouldn't lead to MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF ANGST AND WOE, and oh god. I love them so much, but the side profile of Landry's cheek all wet with tears killed me so hard. My poor woobie. :(

Did anything else happen? I'm kind of obsessed with Landry and Tyra, can you tell? LOL, kidding. I loves my Coach and Mrs. Coach dearly, even when they are not saying things that need to be said. And Skipper breaking down on her daddy is always so...it could be overwrought, but it never is, and that's what makes this show so amazing.

I didn't think they could make Lyla more obnoxious, but evidently I was wrong! /o\ MORE JASON STREET, PLZ.


I'm sad about Weir, you guys. Yes, she's annoying at times, but I'm still pretty unfamiliar with Carter (having seen, oh, two eps of SG-1?) and I'm kind resistant to change in my shows. I'm sure she'll be fine, but...*sigh* At least Elizabeth went down saving her team/city (if she is, in fact, down).

Ronon yelled at Rodney, which :(. But then he was all smushy cakes with Teyla, which :DDD. You can't stay mad at Ronon for long. (And next week's Ronon ep! Yay! PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ME FOR EPISODE 4x04.)

I am still in a state of shock/awe at the reception to Daemons! at the Disco. Just...wow. Thanks to everyone who's commented/supported it, you make me smile like you wouldn't believe. I was originally just going to post it for shleemeri, but I'm so happy and flattered that so many of you enjoyed it. ♥

sga, daemons! at the disco

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