if it was up to me, i would have figured you out

Sep 13, 2005 17:23

well lets start off with, i fuckin love the fall
absofuckinlutely everything about it.
yes, school comes around, but who give'sa fuck, you cant get around it.
it like luke warm, most of the time. warm, but cold at the same time. get it?
the leaves, the pumpkins, the aroma of spices, i just love it. (sketchey for me huh?)
also halloween is comming up, not my favorite holiday, but its all good.
last year halloween was just a day of chaos and breaking shit. but this year will be differnt for many different reasons.
for the past week, iv been wicked happy, its ridiculously weird.
everythings been good for me, nothing has been pissing me off at all.
im also leaving for NYC with my mom and dad friday, to see some good friends.
the kids there are crazy and i miss them all something aweful.
but then i come home to my several groups of awesome friends. so its all good
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