Waiting Game

Feb 22, 2014 19:28

Been waiting all week and my school money hasn't arrived yet. I was hoping it would come this week because I've been waiting for the longest to put in my order for the iMac that I've been wanting for years. I hope it gets here soon. I'm getting a little tired of using Stingray (the name for my 13" MacBook Pro) as my main computer, which, no offense to Stingray...she's been good to me since I bought her back two years back, but she has some major disadvantages going for her. First being screen size...13.3" at 1280x800 is not a really good size for doing work in Adobe software full time (maybe for part time work such as using it in the classroom). There's a huge difference in visual efficiency on the iMac, whether it's a 21.5" or the master 27" screens. Second is Stingray's overall power. She only maxes out to 8GB of RAM (which I have her at right now) and as with all13" MBPs, she comes with integrated graphics as opposed to having a dedicated graphics card. Now you might be thinking to yourself not too big a deal on that front, but believe me it IS a big deal when you're working with not just Adobe software, but 3D modeling programs such as Maya or Lightwave 3D. Integrated graphics is shared with the computer's main memory and is also tied in with the processor, so if I'm doing something graphically intense (like rendering a video in Premiere Pro for example), not only does this eat up a lot of memory but it also causes the processor to go into overtime resulting in overheating, and granted I have the best processor in the 13" MBP class (which is a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 dual core), it's still not powerful enough to handle a lot of what I tend to throw at it. I need a really good quad core processor for that, especially one with hyper-threading (Core i7).

Ah, sorry for babbling. Just the effects of the waiting game I guess.

Actually, I'm going to be bringing in some more money because of my iMac purchase. Although I'm still going to owe money to both Missouri and Illinois, this year I qualified for some federal tax credits pertaining to school and it gave me a pretty good net of $2438 to be exact! That's a great deal of spending money or savings for California! First things first, though, I need to take care of my car. The Steel Vixen needs two new rear tires and a new timing belt replacement, all costing a great deal of money. I can do the tires out of my own pocket no problem. It's just the timing belt is going to cost me the most, so I'll have to apply that to my tax return. Still won't be too bad, though. I'm actually amazed I was getting anything back at all considering how the feds and both states don't like it when a thirty-year-old person is not at all married with children (and I don't think we need to get into that discussion).

There's going to be a bit going on for me, but at least I'm kept busy. Just nice to have the extra cash flow, you know?

money, computers, life

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