New Beginnings

Sep 04, 2013 17:30

It's been two weeks since Yuna was put to sleep, but things haven't been as glum. Two days after I had her put down, I walked into a local cat shelter called Animal House Fund before I came home from work. I wanted to see some lively cats to get the death out of my mind. Well I got in, filled out their paperwork, and had a sit down interview with the lady that runs the place. After that interview, we went to the back to look at the cats they have up for adoption. There were so many and they all looked so wonderful. I interacted with two in particular: a black cat named Wednesday and a tortoiseshell named Fire. Wednesday wasn't particularly friendly outside her cage. I tried playing with her and she hissed at the kitty toy. She was almost like Yuna 2.0, and I didn't want to go through that again. So then before we left the shelter room, I wanted to look at the other cat, Fire. I go inside the "kitty community" she was kept in, and when I approached her, she started sniffing all over my legs...for like two minutes. When she was finally done sniffing, she cuddles right next to me, purring her heart out. She even let me hold her in my arms! When I got up to get out of the pen, she climbed up the door just to get my attention again! I thought for a moment, she really things I'm that fascinating. At that point, I was sold, and I really wanted to take her home. Too bad I was broke for the while.

I kept in contact with AHF and they were very enthusiastic about me getting Fire. I just needed to come up with the adoption fee of $125, which I would have had this coming Friday, but fate had different plans. A damn good friend and old school mate of mine generously offered to pay the adoption fee! I couldn't believe it! So I got the fee to them via PayPal, and Fire was delivered to my apartment last Friday! So far she's enjoying her new home and she has a new friend in Zero to play with (well, when she's not making him feel old, that is). I thought it would take a long while for Zero to get used to her, but I think he's been lonely enough that he just welcomed a new playmate right on the spot.

So folks, meet my new little girl, Fire!

fire, cats

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