Oct 23, 2011 20:50
It's been at least two weeks since I said I was finally leaving Missouri, and since then...I've still been stuck in the State. Why, you ask? Couple of things. First off, the week before I was supposed to move in, the lady I was working with to get me moved in, the assistant manager of the complex, was extremely good to me in helping me get things square and in order. But the week she told me she could get me in, I heard nothing from her after sending a few emails. At first I thought nothing of it, but that Friday when I went to turn in my deposit, I get greeted by the housekeepeer person and she tells me that the assistant manager was out sick the entire week, and the office was shut down the entire week as a result (they just got the housekeeper in on Friday to try to make some headway). She tells me to come back next Monday since the "big boss" was supposed to be in to take over the duties of the assistant manager. So I come back next Monday and is told that a unit is ready for me...unfortunately it was a top level unit, which I did not want. I specifically requested either a bottom or middle unit for the sole purpose of keeping my energy bills down (I'm currently staying in a top level apartment and during the summer months, it's brutal with the sun beating down directly on top of the roof with you directly under it). The assistant manager even wrote it down on my application that I requested a bottom or middle unit, however, the manager either completely ignored that request or was unaware of it (I'm assuming ignored...the guy is very slow and unorganized from what I've been observing). It turns out they did have some vacated bottom and middle units available, but they weren't inspected by the city Building Department so they couldn't be moved in right away. So I had to wait a week from then to have the unit inspected.
Cut to last Friday. I was all excited and ready to get my stuff packed up and ready to be moved across river. So I go over, sign the lease, and head down to the Building Dept. as fast as I can to get the Occupancy Permit to move in. Only when I got there, this is what I was told...they didn't get to the inspection because the water inside the unit wasn't turned on, so the sooner we can get to it at this point is next Thursday. This of course pissed me off to no end, so I had to then scramble back to the new place and tell the manager that the place the new situation. So now I'm on like a two week delay...I've nearly killed off my paycheck this week trying to pay off bills so I can close some accounts at this place and open up new ones at the new place. The bills were pretty expensive, too. So suffice it to day, I'm being driven completely insane in this process because not only do I have to deal with that guy over there, I now have to wait in an unknown number of days at my current place, which I'm worried about getting tacked on another charge for November.
I've been very patient with this, but the more patient I get, the more insane it drives me. And of course, the step-mom from hell is not making things any easy for me. Due to the situation I'm in, I had to go to my dad's house to tell my dad (who was generous enough to help me move) that my move was postponed until further notice when my step-mom butts into my business trying to tell me how much of a bad idea it was for me to move across river and tried to convince me to look into places in the City. I pretty much didn't utter a word to her just ignoring what she said, but in my head was this: "for fuck sakes, Pat, you are not, in any way, going to convince me to stay anywhere within this miserable State, and ESPECIALLY not in the City, so will you please SHUT THE FUCK UP and STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY GODDAMN BUSINESS!!!"
I swear, I am getting out of Missouri if it kills me. That I am determined to do. And this is only the beginning. A lot of my friends here are talking about moving to places far away from St. Louis (like two friends are considering to move to Seattle at some point). I've been thinking about this for years now. First I thought about moving to Dallas, but as time went on, I thought against it because Texas has gotten stupider by the year. Then it was Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Those feelings dwindled over the years. Then there was Portales, New Mexico because I heard a college down there offered the degree I'm wanting to get in to. Then there was Chicago...I'm still undecided about that. But my latest thought now is...why not move out west? Remember how I said I'm wanting to plan a vacation to Las Vegas? Well, now I'm getting thoughts to move there for some reason. I guess it's my desire to want to see the west since I've never been out that way before. I'm still contemplating future living destinations, though Las Vegas as of now is at the top of my list.
bad situations,
idiot drunken step-mom,
future plans,